SP1KE™: Effortless Comfort, Active Relief. Let Movement Support Your Wellness Journey! ~ Note: We may ship with alternative couriers due to Canada Post backlog

Start the Dialogue & Challenge the Norms

Why buy a SP1KE ™ Cushion Instead of another one making All the Same Claims, you ask?

Why buy a SP1KE ™ Cushion Instead of another one making All the Same Claims, you ask?
I genuinely enjoy answering the question “Why should I buy SP1KE?”. It’s not because I love selling our product, or any product for that matter. It...

You don't have to Live with Sciatic Pain!

You don't have to Live with Sciatic Pain!
Sciatica is one of the most common, yet misunderstood, types of pain (according to Harvard Health). As many as 40% of people will get it during the...